There are literally tons of things I am thankful for this evening. Yes, I am writing this post at night on Thanksgiving.....alone! lol! Two of those things are my blog and its readers. Even though it has been a while since I have last posted something, I am thankful for it because I am able to share important and life-changing experiences with my subscribers. For example, my most recent cartooning update is that I received word of an amazing internship opportunity through Cartoon Network. The requirements are not demanding, and it will give me an opportunity to go back to school for something that I really love. Whenever someone has great news they want to share and relish in the excitement that others can offer a special situation. That's why I am thankful for my readers and their comments. "Y'all so specia!!" lol!
The next thing I am thankful for, and I promise to keep it short, is the achievement I am experiencing along my journey toward medical school. I can't remember the last time I received so much success for the work that I put forth. Surprisingly, the work that I am doing is being done with very little effort because I am passionate about what I'm doing. My passion has blessed me with the highly sought after secondary applications that put me in the home stretch of my journey. Now all I have to do is take the MCAT and submit my scores. Then I am in!
Well, until next time ladies and gentlemen!
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